Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bad luck Vs. Good Luck

Well, as far as today's thoughts and feelings go. I feel pretty down because, well... AGAIN I studied super hard for my statistics exam and the Test ended up being something that was totally tricky of the material I had learned. Not Cool. I hope i get some good credit for it, I just want a C in this stupid hard class. God.. I was up til 5 am last night studying the material, and I had spent up til 530 PM studying from 1 PM. I even saw a tutor! This is a tough class. Anyway, despite all the negative stuff that happened today. I took Monica out for our anniversary last night. Since she gets out of school late, I didn't have many good options for a nice place. So I yelped it, and came across and interesting place called Hugo's Frog Bar and Fish House. Which is also connected to Gibson's Steakhouse? Well anyway, they are open til 2 and stop serving food at midnight which was perfect for us. Even though I only had about 80 something dollars in my checking account, I spent almost all of it to give Monica a nice anniversary. The food was amazing! I ordered the small Filet Mignon, which was so JUICY! it came with a dip that tasted sorta like mayo and butter, and that was reallly good! Had a cream of mushroom soup which was REALLY good too. Monica got the Cajun ranch porkchop with apple dipping sauce. AND THAT, was really good as well. Lemme tell you though, Luck probably hasn't been on my side since last night. Before i went to go pick up Monica, a cop pulled me up for nothing, luckily my talking skills were able to get me by. By the time I got to Monica's crib to pick her up, my phone starts tweaking and I can't make any calls. I turn the phone on and off (including taking the battery out and putting it back) and the phone shows NO RECEPTION for a good 15 minutes. So I'm outside her house honking like crazy (which I thought was totally rude, and I hate honking) I had no choice though. Luckily I didn't drive away, and luckily she came out and noticed! So in ways.. I guess you can call it a battle between bad luck and good luck. Also, after we finished eating, I received a ticket for meter parking. DOWNTOWN collects meter money til midnight! Should've followed my gut with that one! Ahhhhhh. top off the dinner, I got her a boustierre which I am going to return since it doesn't fit nice on her, nor did it look much like what the website showed. = ( All good though, she very much enjoyed the Urban Decay Naked Pallette that she's been wanting for quite some time now. oooo man... I hope my luck wins tomorrow and things begin to look a little brighter. I feel a cold coming on. and I hate this weather man. thats about it, I partied on christians birthday at tantrik on saturday, ended up making some bad decisions and being up til 8 am. rather not express too much about it, don't wanna party for a while! I say this now.. ahh. I really DONT!

she loved this HEE HEE

this is what I should've done!

I forgot to also mention, we watched Tekken last night because I had downloaded it out of boredom a month or two ago. The internet wasn't working N i still had the downloaded file on my computer. MAN it was as bad as I thought! hahah corny ass fuckin movie.

Seriously. They could've found a better Jin, instead of this wimpy ass pussy voice dude. LOL. DUMB MOVIE. but i was oddly entertained. Its like watching something so stupid u keep watching it.

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