Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Bay

Damn, so this is how it goes.. It was 3 AM. Thursday morning, March 17th..I just finish watching Naruto and I set my alarm clark to 4:30 AM to drop off Monica. I was feeling real sad and lonely because she wasn't coming with me and also the fact that the only person i really felt comfortable with in this place I never even been to is to see Huy. Anyway..I dropped off Monica..came home showered got ready to g2 the airport. I didn't get any sleep at all, but it was ok because I planned to sleep on the plane. Anyway...Oliver was able to borrow my car and drop me off. I hadn't been to O'hare without Monica the last few times, so it honestly felt lonely a bit. And I didn't know what to expect when I got there. I never been to the bay u know? So.. as planned I slept through the whole flight, woke up periodically for my orange juice in a cup of ice. Man..so I landed..and boyyyy was it a beautiful view of the airport, the runway stretched out into the water..and it was a beautiful sight that i didn't expect. I kinda looked like this..

Anyway..feelin sleepy as hell still, I get to the baggage claim and I see Allen Pon's fat ass sitting down sick as hell. Man, it was a really good feeling to finally see my boy that I hadn't seen in 7 years. My brother from another mother. Man..it was a really good feeling..we gave eachother a hug went outside and I smoked a newport. Staring around, I noticed there werent palm trees nor fancy cars. IT seemed like O'hare and chicago people, just in a different city. I ended up being right about the down to earth similarity they have to us. Definitely a major difference from So Cal. So anyway..Jamil ended up at the airport at same same as me and he rode with me when i grabbed my Chevy Cobalt from Dollar Rent a Car. Met up at allen pon's crib and decided to go get some pho cuz allen's ass was feelin sick. Man..tell me why all those houses over there are like pink and bright colors and shit. haha. kinda gay, but and hilly, but it was cool. Here's a pic we took after the pho restaurant.

Cool to be in another state felt great like a newborn you know. That nice new feeling. Anyway.. we hit up the pho joint, it was pretty decent. Then decided we should check out downtown frisco. Looks just like chicago's downtown too! But what chicago was missing was their damn ocean and bridges!

Man.. this view was fuckin dope. The spot we were at was an actual island called Treasure Island. It gave us the nicest view of the city. I also never knew about alcatraz prison and al capone, but i took a picture of that too. haha, little prison in the middle of the water..
Anyway, after that we decided to hit up Haight Street, which is pretty much the Wicker Park of San francisco. There wasn't much new, just hipsters, a stussy, store, it looked pretty much almost the same. Jamil had some breweries in mind, hit two up, had two good beers at each one, got a lil buzzed. It was a good day. Haha.. we ended up having a long conversation with some random dude at a bar because we had taken his table he was sitting at, n somehow started discussing about mormans for a while. They had some dope art on the walls on that straight, even in the bathroom of one of the bars!

After words, saw some dope shit on the walls on the way back. took some pics.

later hit up this one mall that had alotta flips there called Seramonte. It was whatever, I ended up yelping this spot in Burlingame, which had a Burmese restaurant. So we went n checked that out. Before going there, Allen went to go pick up his gf from school. A really nice girl, reminded me of monica cuz she was into make up and also real nice. So she came along too, I hit up ranah to come through to the spot n we had a real good dinner. The place was kinda packed, so we were on a waiting list to get a table. It pretty much felt like some thai food I never had. It started to get dark and time was running out. I started to get sad because I wish I had more time to chill with my boy Allen. But Huy was expecting us at the party in Monterey..So we had to dip out after the restaurant.

It was about a 2 hour drive from Frisco to Monterey. It was one long ass drive at night time to the middle of nowhere! There were crazy ass winding roads on the way there..I thought I would hit another car man. it was pretty bad!
It was like this over and over again for a while! and cars were driving super fast.

it sucked more for me cuz i was driving through the night. Anyway...that was prob the only good thing about having jamil, was to guide my ass through all that bullshit! We finally get to Monterey, seems like a small town..Get there..n they party rented out a big vacation rental house. IT was aiiiight..Met some really cool people, awkward at first cuz you dont know anyone.. but everything was cool after a couple of shots of patron. This was the house

Man..the morning after all that drinking was so SHITTY. I woke up cold as fuck with no blanket. It was one of those mornings where ur just like wtf. What am i doing here, and why am i here? I thought to myself..fuck. im in a house with a bunch of people i barely even know. It felt pretty awkward. But yeah.. i only got a good 3 hours of sleep at most. Woke up in a room full of kids toys and dolls. There was also a creepy chalkboard that said "don't fall asleep". Yeah, WEIRD. I also had a nasty case of sleep paralysis too that morning. Anyway..took awhile for showers to be open..but felt a LITTLE better after i had showered. Decided to head out by san jose for some pho. That helped a bit, ate at some random pho place in a plaza. it wasn't all that great, it was a rainy day. I was pretty out of it. That night, I stayed in at the hotel and just took a hot bath and tried to rejuvenate myself for huys wedding. There were some other things I did that day too, i got lined up at some black barber shop, cuz they seemed to have been the only place that did lines with the straight blade. Ate some pizza with the people goin to the wedding, it was whatever.

Anyway..Saturday the 20th, was the big day. Got up early, got ready and headed to kristinas crib from the hotel. Man, it was a really fun day. Even though everything was unorganized and unplanned, everything unfolded perfectly unevenly if you know what i mean. THe morning ceremony I had to wear an ao yai, which i thought was kinda cool since it made the wedding more unique with the whole traditional vietnamese wedding theme to it. haha..

Anyways..after the whole vietnamese ceremony thang with all the old people talking, it was time to get dressed for the reception! the FUN PART. I was actually pretty relieved to get in my suit. It was a bad ass suit huy picked out for the wedding..The hummer limo waited outside the house for the groomsmen and bridesmaids, and the DRINKING begins. haha...started the day off with some jack on the rocks. It was about an hour drive before we got to sacramento. We did alot of picture taking at some spots before we got to the reception. We had a professional photographer, so it was kinda fun and cool, but after smiling so much, ur face starts to get tired. FOREAL. who would think you could get sick of smiling and posing and shit. Must suck to be a model huh?

Anyway, i got pretty messed up at the wedding, had a lot of remy shots. To sum it all up, the wedding was very emotional, touching, heart-warming, sad, and happy. Huy opened up to everyone at the wedding with real emotions about how he felt about certain people, including myself, and especially his father. Huy is a good guy and he has grown to be a strong young man whose been able to let go his old habits almost completely for this new life that he now lives for. I don't think i'll be able to do that, I enjoy having fun and letting go too much. I guess i won't enter that stage maybe ever, or until i'm so sick of it. But I really don't see myself changing much from who I am now. Anyway..Congratulations to Huy and his wife. I hope him and his new family grow to be very happy and stress-free.

So I had to get up at 6 am after a night of excessive drinking at the wedding and drive my ass back to san francisco. Man.. that shit was pretty cool but wack because my body was all tired and fucked up from the night before. Man, it was such an ugly morning too..I got up, went to the bathroom to take a piss. It was still dark outside, but it was raining..as I packed the rest of my stuff up, I could hear everyone still snoring sound asleep from the crazy night before. I was the first one to leave everyone and it was pretty sad in a way, but I wasn't feelin so much sadness at the moment because I had a a big responsibility of getting my ass back to Frisco. On the way out the hotel door, I noticed the 5 hour energy Jamil left for me, that was pretty nice of him.

So, on the way back, i stopped by a gas station for some gas. I went to an AM/PM, pick a bag of chips and come to find, my debit card declined. = ( womp womp. Do they take credit? Nope, they don't even take credit. Womp Womp. So I ended up going to the station across the street, park my car up. Find that the gas tank is on the wrong side, since its a rental I don't remember lol. Damn. So anyway, credit card ended up working there, then dipped out to frisco. I was pretty out of it. There were boring and beautiful views on the way back. At first it began with a lot of flat driving through what looked to be farmland typa places. Then I started hitting an area that had many beautiful green hills or mountains. It was a nice view..Finally when the sun started really coming out I finally got to the bay bridge. There was a Toll..thank god i Had just enough cash for it!

the lonesome drive was definitely a good experience and a good challenge for myself.
Before I got the the airport, Allen Pon woke up to chill with me, even though it was morning and I didn't have that much time yet, the homie still came out to chill with me. No homo, i miss him alot, he is one of my brothers, and it sucks that I was only able to chill with him for a little bit. I will be back though. I needa chill with him more when I have the chance. Its always hard to say goodbye to really good friends you have a hard time seeing again. So he came through, followed me to the drop off location for my rental, then i hopped in his ride, took ourselves to the gate, got some grub before i went through security. He grabbed some subway, I grabbed this really good clam chowder soup in a bread bowl. Before we parted, we went outside for a smoke and talked about how we are gettin old now and the crazy shit that we been through back in the days. Damn, I miss my homie man. Anyway..gave eachother a hug and said our goodbyes. Anyways,The only part I really hated about coming back was sitting in between two big dudes on the plane. Sucks, I hate the damn middle seat. But yeah.. I miss the bay, I miss allen pon, I would love to go back sometime soon. Need a little more money and when plane tix drop i'll come back with Monica. Def, a great experience that has impacted me a lot. Humans we only seem to grow when we are around more things we are not use to. Because that only seems to be the time when any experience really affects me, is when its something completely new. Good bye Frisco, goodbye the bye, It was nice meeting you, and hopefully if you're not having any crazy earthquakes, ill be back to reunite with some old friends to grab a good bite and a beer. peace.

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