Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tattooes, Alkaline Water, and Sleep paraylsis.

Man. Last weekend was just fucked up. Wayy too much partying. Fuckin straight gettin paralyzed wehenver i get sleepy. totally abnormal. Id rather not even speak of the weekend except the fact that I saw the Hangover and Monica. Anyway, woke up in the morning put together a healthy breakfast with cut up banannas, strawberries, and blueberries in my organic granola cereal. MMM MM. Took some herbal supplements to purify my liver, some antioxidant pills, and went about my day. Today was my tattoo appointment to finish up the Mexico piece and boy did it turn out good. Man, george always fuckin snaps. I was in there for an hour, out in an hour. I told him about my weekend and he told me he had a japanese alkaline water machine made out of platinum, that costed him 4300. So i filled up my gatorade bottle with the stuff and will be coming back for more of that water! That water flushes out everything from what i've learned. Anyway. Heres.. the ink.

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