Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wisconsin Dells

Even though wisconsin dells was two weeks ago and some of my feelings and thoughts about it have probably changed since the moment we had left wisconsin, but it was definitely one of those experiences that i need to blog about. I should've remembered to blog sooner, but i guess i was too lazy to let it cross my mind to express my thoughts into my blog about that experience. Anyway..I still remember it clearly...It was a wednesday night and me, christian, and monica decided to go to Empire. We had some drinks and when we were leaving .. monica was tipsy and decided to text sarah to see if she wanted to come n sleep over christians with us.. We were trying to hook christian up...its funny because.. now theyre pretty much seeing eachother from what i heard! sarah was drunk as well and told us to pick her up at steak and shake and johnny also came along...we were all kinda tipsy otw to christians we stopped by chaser's on milwaukee to have some shots! talk about random.. because we were only looking for a place for sarah to piss if i remember correctly. anyway..its funny..melisas sisters ex bf was there at the anyway.. we were there for a prob 20 minutes then ended up dipping out to dennnys...I dont even remember what i ate, but i know i shared sdome kinda sandwich or burger with monica...anyway..we slept at christians crib..johnny ended up dipping out to go hang out with biggie prob to go smoke shabs or something.. cuz it was liek 6 am when he left i think LOL. here comes to good part.. the next day we woke up..went to go get some pho after a night of drinking which always hits the spot at pho ha. On top of ordering our pho and spring rolls monica wanted some of that vietnamese iced coffee..i took a few sips of that thing n it made me wanna go and look for something to do.

This damn thing was the start of a beginning!

So..out of boredom.. i firt suggested christian to just drive to this one tobacco shop for me to get my favorite cigarettes. After that i was ancy and bored and thought hey, lets go to six flags! the rest of the 3 were down, so i went on a mission looking for six flags tickets.. after emails and searches on craigslist, we ended up finding tickets for 25 bucks ea! which was a good ass deal. THE BAD NEWS. the park closed at 7 pm that day! DAMNIT. n it was like 3 oclock or something around that time..christian ended up suggesting that we g2 the dells. I was like hmm i never been there before? and damn 3 hours?! well.. hmm... fuck it!
so we all assumed wed go there just to ride a few rollercoasters and go cart and just go home..anyway..we hit the road around 5 oclock after grabbing some stuff from meijer like drinks n stuff. i ended up buying this grape snapple

that tasted like straight up syrup..never again will i buy that damn purple drank again. Anyway..the ride wasnt so bad..i drove the all the way there..the beginning there was alotta traffic on 90, construction n shit close to rockford by belvidere Genoa road. totally reminded me of when i use to live out there! weird, cuz i never had a reason to drive back out there. car ride was fun..cant forget bumping that three six mafia dj scream LOL. anyways...after a good 3 hours of music and cigarette smoking.. we finally touched down..

i was pretty amazed at all the restaurants and themes for hotels they had over there.. I realized how cool it was n suggested we should sleep there..we ended up getting a bad ass deal.. 70 bucks for 4 people and unlimited play at mt that is a bad ass deal! we went to hotel rome or whatever it is.. got our keys for poseidon village and washed up a little bit at the hotel and got ready to go ride some rides at mt olympus! It was my first time at the dells so i was real excited about everything. We didn't get a chance to eat so we hit up jimmy johns in a plaza..

thank god there was a starbucks next door to it, because i was getting a little sleepy around that time.. it had to been around 9 oclock when we got the park, so we had til 11 to do whatever we could n we did alot!

we got to ride go carts.. ride on the hades rollercoaster and the zeus one. Which were both pretty sick.. THe hades was dope because it goes underground.. n the drop was pretty straight. Its funny.. Monica was totally freaking out..before both of the rollercoaster rides.. her heart was totally racing and her palms were getting sweaty..awww shes so cute, n i was a little surprised that she didn't chicken out! She went on.. so i give her props for her courage..I ended up buying one of the photos for the hades ride.. which i will prob scan or take a picture of n post in this blog.. im glad i bought it because pictures are memories of the moments for us to remember how happy we were. After leaving the park we decided to take a walk in downtown wisconsin dells..we walked and walked n saw no bars that were open. right before we were about to turn around.. there was a bar that was still open called Gillys.

We walked inside and to the right of us was a long bar with this guy that we ended up connecting with him real well named lawrence who was the bartender. To the right of the bar were some games and a punching speed bag machine to see how hard you could hit. Anyway..we sat there..ordered some beers and lawrence was cool enough to let us drink outside on the tables outside the door. All our phones were dead.. and we just sat there drank and smoked squares and talked about life.and how its those kind of experiences that make you feel went from one decision to leading us to have that moment which was so magical, a moment that took us away from the robotic world of work,school, peoples dramas...i know that each of us felt so comfortable without a worry in a world. Without life's pressures and stress. It was one of the happiest moments of my life to be there with my girlfriend, christian, and sarah. 4 positive people together with disconnection from everyone back in chicago. It was a good moment.. the random things we do..n let life just take its course. We ended up bringing the drinks back in side and hanging out with lawrence, he is a really cool guy. A down to earth real person who listens to good hip hop and is very open minded. Im glad i met him. and im sure everyone else did..I ended up getting a good buzz n punching the sppedbag machine, man that machine totally takes your money, its so fun! Anyway.. we ended the night eating at dennys and after that stopped by CVS and i grabbed soem vitamins before we went to bed...The next day i woke up thinking.. oh wth im in wisconsin lol it was a good feeling though..I had my muay thai promotion that night, so we ended up leaving in the morning. we really wanted pho so we stopped by this place in madison.. the pho wasnt as great as chicago, but it was still OK. To me it felt good just being in another place than chicago you know? otw back.. i wanted to try this place called Beef-a-roo, since all these black people from rockford were totally hyping it up.. i ended getting some nasty olive burger that tasted like crap..but i guess sarah ordered some kinda beef sandwich that tasted alot better than what i had..anyways. ill try giving it another shot..n man that lady at the drive thru sounded so racist! LOL. nothing new though!

Anything new is a good experience.. we drove back.. me christian and sarah felt was totally a good experience. and i do remmeber i felt i missed it so much..Now that im thinking about how i felt and looking back on it. i was really happy. more happier than this new orleans trip we just took. What i learned is when you don't plan.. and you just go with the flow.. and just do it..thing are more fun that way than long term planning..and also the people u are with as well. I want to keep living for moments like that.. i don't want to be completely sucked in this world where everynoes life revolves around saving money and making money...being a complete robot to society hoping that saving that money is going to lead to bigger pleasures...when u can stil live a little bit right now. We aren't getting any we must live as much as we can...A life of worry is a horrible life to live..When im not on vacation.. im worrying and worrying..and im not living... even though my money goes down when i do these trips.. the experiences are far more rewarding. I want to live. I choose Life.

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